white spots on tan skin that won't tan

What to do with white spots on tan skin that won’t tan?

If you have white spots on tan skin that won’t tan, you can use a self-tanning lotion to cover up the white spots on your tan. You could also use a bronzing powder to cover up the white spots. These are the easiest options that will probably work the best if you want a quick solution.

What else can you do?

Ask your doctor about a steroid cream on the white spots to see if this will restore the pigmentation. Make sure you aren’t lacking any vitamins or minerals that can affect skin color.

Being out in the Sun can cause patchy, white spots on your skin. White spots are not that uncommon, and there are things you can do to make them less noticeable.

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Keep reading if you want to find out more about white spots and how long they last on the skin.

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What to do with white spots on tan skin that won't tan?

How can I get rid of white spots on my skin naturally?

These natural products can help with white spots on tanned skin:

  • Lemon
  • Aloe Vera
  • Castor oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Sodium bicarbonate

You can mix some of them or all of them and make a smooth paste. Rub the spots gently every night before sleep. Don’t use this when you plan to go out in the Sun.

Why are these ingredients good?

Regular application of aloe vera gel can help prevent the reappearance of white spots and slowly remove them.

Lemon juice is an excellent natural treatment for white spots on the skin. This is because it contains bleaching agents that lighten pigmentation in the skin.

Another way that people use citrus fruits is to make a paste by mixing equal parts of crushed orange peel or grapefruit seed with aloe vera gel, honey, or milk to make a moisturizing paste.

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What to do with white spots on tan skin that won't tan?

Why do I have white spots that won’t tan?

One of the most common reasons is either a scar that won’t tan, sunspots, or vitiligo. Vitiligo is a disease that occurs when cells that produce melanin stop functioning; thus, they turn white.

The spots are most noticeable in tanned people because the contrast between the tanned and non-tanned skin is more obvious. People who have had the spots for at least 10 years usually won’t see any further progression.

There’s currently no treatment for the condition, but there are things you can do to minimize its appearance. We have mentioned some of the things you can try above.

If you are not sure why you have white spots on your skin, it is best to consult your doctor before starting any treatment. Usually, it is nothing serious, but it is better to check out any change that occurs on your skin.

How long do white sunspots last?

The lifespan of white sunspots can range from a few minutes to days. It all depends on the intensity and size of the white sunspot. For example, if a solar flare is intense and very large, the white sunspot will not last long. This is because it will be visible on the surface of the Sun for a short time before it disappears away. 

However, if a solar flare fizzles out in space before reaching the surface of the Sun, it can only create a small-sized white sunspot. This may last for days or weeks as it slowly fades away. 

This usually occurs because small-sized solar flares are not strong enough to cause intense heat on the surface of the Sun. 

On average, most white sunspots last anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. The larger and more intense they are, the shorter their lifespans are.

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What to do with white spots on tan skin that won't tan?

Which vitamin deficiency causes white spots on the skin?

A white spot that appears on the skin can signify vitamin deficiency. Usually, it is one of these vitamins:

  • Vitamin C deficiency
  • Vitamin A deficiency
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Section: Vitamin K deficiency

Knowing what kind of deficiency is causing your skin condition is essential because you know what you need to increase. You should visit your doctor if you think you have a vitamin deficiency.

Tips for vitamin C and A deficiency:

  • Darker-colored fruits and vegetables have higher levels of vitamin C.
  • Broccoli is high in both vitamins A and C.
  • Brussels sprouts, kale, and cabbage are also good sources of vitamin C.
  • Guava, broccoli raab, red chili peppers, kiwi fruit, peas, snow peas, papaya, oranges and orange juice, lemon or lime juice, cantaloupe, mangoes, and cooked tomatoes are also excellent sources of vitamin C.
  • Strawberries are a great source of vitamin C, so make these berries a staple snack.

Pro tip: A dermatologist can examine your skin, diagnose the cause of the white spots, and provide treatment and prevention advice.

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What to do with white spots on tan skin that won't tan?

Conclusion: What to do with white spots on tan skin that won’t tan?

Approximately 5% of the world’s population has this condition. These patches of white skin, also known as hypo-pigmented skin, occur when melanin-producing cells are damaged. This happens with trauma, burns, infections, and other medical conditions. 

White spots on your skin are usually harmless. Yet, they can occur with some health conditions like vitiligo (a condition in which white patches develop on your skin). If you have an unexplained white spot on your skin and you’re otherwise healthy, it’s best to see your doctor anyway. 

There is no treatment for vitiligo, but there are methods to help control it, so it doesn’t interfere in your life. 

Little things like keeping cool and protected from the Sun can help to prevent the spread of white spots. If you want to learn more about what to do with white spots on tan skin that won’t tan, then read the article. You will discover self-tanners and other natural remedies that can help.

We hope this blog post answers some of the questions you have may have when it comes to white spots that won’t tan. If you have any other tips and tricks that you would like to share with us, feel free to do it in the comment section.

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