dry nail polish fast at home

How to dry nail polish fast at home?

If you are looking for a tip on how to dry nail polish fast at home, here is a list of simple DIY hacks that you can easily do:

  • Dipping your nails in cold water, with or without ice
  • Covering your nails in oils such as olive oil or baby oil
  • Using a hair dryer to blow dry them
  • Using hairspray
  • Using drying drops

We spend a lot of time adding nail polish to our hands, and it helps to have a quick method of getting our manicure done.

But what’s the best way to get nail polish dry quickly so that we can show off our nail art?

In the nail industry, the common answer most nail technicians give is simply to put your hands under a fan or blow dryer – but this is not always the best solution.

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You should first try with the most simple ones, like dipping in cold water or covering your nailpolish with olive oil.

These fast-drying methods are considered the safest for your skin and nails. If these don’t work out for you, then try blowdrying them.

In the end you can always choose some drying drops from your local nail shop. These nail products can help nail polishes dry faster, and they usually don’t have bad substances in them.

Some nailpolish dries out completely in just 30 seconds while others may take more than 5 minutes to get dry.

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How to dry nail polish fast at home?

Why is my nail polish not drying?

There are usually two cases when your nail polish is not drying, you had put on thick layers or you had used low-quality brands.

I would recommend using nail polishes that are on the expensive side, for example Golden Rose nail polishes.

Always make sure to shake your nail polish before you use it so the pigments get mixed together well.

Also avoid putting on too many coats or more than one layer of nail polish in a single session because otherwise they’ll take more time to dry.

Still not sure how to dry your nail polish fast?

If you are in a hurry, you should either try some fast drying nails hacks or you should apply only one layer of nail polish. Remember than one good layer is better than having smudgy nails.

Does hot water make nail polish dry faster?

No,hot water will increase nail polish evaporation, and it is usually used for removing nail polish.

You don’t have to eliminate water yet, you can try using cold water instead.

Icy water baths are the best way to keep your polish fresh and chip-free! Just fill up a mixing bowl with ice cubes, then run cold water over it.

The next time you finish painting, dip all of the tips into this mixture for about 1 minute before removing excess liquid from underneath each individual nail using paper towels or spare washcloths.

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How to dry nail polish fast at home?

How do you know when nail polish is dry?

If you touch nailpolish with your nail after a few minutes, if it feels sticky or tacky then nailpolish isn’t dry yet.

It’s difficult to be 100% sure if nail polish is dry. Some nail polishes need a few hours to be completely dry and ready for wear, especially if more coats were applied.

The easiest way to make sure that your nails are dry enough for nail polish is to wait until the nailpolish feels completely solid, not sticky or tacky.

But if you want to speed up the process, and put in a bit of extra work, try out some nail polish hack mentioned above.

Drying drops for faster drying

If you want to invest in a product that will make your , try applying some nail polish drops.

The nail polish drops contain nail hardeners and dry nail polish faster.

Faster drying is not their only function,nail polish drops can also be used to make nail polish less bubbly.

This nail polish hack only works for nail polishes that contain a nail hardener, so it won’t work for nail polishes with matte or creme finish.

Don’t worry, if you like you matter finish you can try nail foil glue instead. This nail hack only works if the nail polish is matte, don’t try it on any other type of nail polish.

Another nail hack that contains nail hardener is applying a layer of nail polish then a layer of nail polish drops, and finally another top coat.

This nail hack works because the nail polish hardener will ‘grip’ to the nail polish and prevent it from bubbling or causing any bubbles at all.

Keep in mind that some drying drops are low-quality, or won’t work on low-quality nail polishes, so choose wisely when buying products to dry nail polish fast at home.

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How to dry nail polish fast at home?

Conclusion- How to dry nail polish fast at home

We all know how frustrating it can be to have a manicure ruined by drying nail polish.

 There are plenty of ways you can get your nails dry quickly, but the best way is often what works for you and in your own home!

 For some people that might mean dipping their nails in cold water with or without ice cubes; others find success with olive oil or baby oil; while others use hair dryers, hairspray, and even special drops. 

The best advice is probably to try all of these quick nail drying hacks out, and maybe find a combination for different situations. 

Final tip: Remember not to shake nail polish; instead stir it with a toothpick or nail polish stick. 

Using this method you will be sure that  nail polish is mixed properly and there won’t be any streaks. 

Also, nail polish caps should always cover nail polish bottle openings when it’s not in use. That way nail polish will stay good much longer. 

If the nail polish top was accidentally left open, don’t forget to stir it before using it.

If nail polish is too thick to apply, add nail polish thinner and stir it. This will help you use nail polish up faster, and it will help you dry nail polish fast at home later.

Bottle without nail polish thinner or top on should be kept in a dark place at room temperature. 

That way nail polishes can last for as long as 2-3 years.

Whatever method you choose, we hope this blog has given you helpful tips on how to make sure your next mani doesn’t go up in smoke before its time!

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